Bohemian Rhapsody (Motion Picture 2018)
Das Songbuch zum Film des Jahres 2018 Bohemian Rhapsody, der den Weg der legendären Rockband Queen und ihres legendären verstorbenen Leadsängers Freddie Mercury nachzeichnet. Dieses Songbook enthält 20 Queen-Songs aus dem Soundtrack des Films, arrangiert für Klavier, Gesang und Gitarre, darunter den Titelsong sowie: Another One Bites the Dust - Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Fat Bottomed Girls - I Want to Break Free - Killer Queen - Radio Ga Ga - Somebody to Love - Under Pressure - We Are the Champions - We Will Rock You - und mehr.
Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack
Twentieth Century Fox Trademark
Somebody to love
Doing all right
Keep yourself alive
Killer Queen
Fat bottomed Girls
Bohemian Rhapsody
Now I'm here
Crazy little Thing called love
Love of my Life
We will rock You
Another one bites the Dust
I want to break free
Under Pessure
Who wants to live forever
Radio Ga Ga
Hammer to fall
We are the Champions
Don't stop me now
The Show must go on